Find the best side jobs with us!
Are you looking for a part-time job? Come work at #TEAMTOUCAN in Venlo. You are entitled to the benefits mentioned above and you can save up your holidays in your spare time.
As of 1 January 2024, there is a new catering collective labour agreement and all salaries have been increased. What does that mean for your side job salary? You can see that in the table opposite, with additional information below:
The salary in the table applies to side jobs only;
The salary includes 8% holiday pay and ±10% holiday-hour allowance;
Your salary will be transferred to your bank account once a month. In the restaurant, you can earn extra with tips from our guests;
The job grades are indicated in the table with the letters "FG".
FG3 applies if you come to work as a waiter;
FG4 applies if you come to work as a reception, dishwashing and (room) cleaning staff.
Would you like to join us? Take a quick look at our vacancies or send us an open application and we will contact you.
See you soon,
Team Venlo